It can be inconvenient to switch to another window when working or browsing to control Spotify, as it can cause distractions and loss of focus. However, with our simple extension, you can easily control Spotify without navigating away from your current window. Moreover, our extension includes a nifty feature - by right-clicking the widget, you can quickly search for a song by name. This way, you can seamlessly search for songs on Spotify while browsing other websites, allowing you to add them to your playlist at a later time.
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What does it look like?
🎶 Music
With You (Ngẫu Hứng) - Hoaprox
Features dynamic background color
with volume control

🎶 Music
Faded - Zhu
Easily turn on/off repeat mode
⚙️ Settings
Configure your listening experience
Changing UI is easy
Right click the extension icon
Access the settings page
Switch the UI

🎶 Music
Waiting for love - Avicii
Bigger UI with more features
Quickly copy a link to share with your friend
You can now play songs on shuffle
🎶 Music
Easily jump to next or previous songs

🎙 Podcast
Behind the tech
Enjoy your favorite podcasts as well as music
🎙 Podcast
Joe Rogan
And control your podcasts

🔎 Search your song
Right click to search
Searching is so easy
Highlight a text
Right click and search
🎶 Lyric
Click the microphone icon on the player
Or select "🎶 Lyric" from the extension menu

Sign in
with your Spotify account
App not running
Always turn on Spotify desktop app
